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HTTrack 3.40-2
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// Shell.h : main header file for the SHELL application
#if !defined(AFX_SHELL_H__ED81E637_E017_11D1_A97E_006097BC6150__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_SHELL_H__ED81E637_E017_11D1_A97E_006097BC6150__INCLUDED_
#if _MSC_VER >= 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000
#ifndef __AFXWIN_H__
#error include 'stdafx.h' before including this file for PCH
/* basic HTTrack defs */
extern "C" {
#include "htsglobal.h"
#include "htsopt.h"
// connectΘ via HTTrack? (dΘfini dans projet)
#define USE_RAS 1
// sleep (taux de refresh) en ms
#define HTS_SLEEP_WIN 100
#include "resource.h" // main symbols
#include "cpp_lang.h"
// Ras
#include "RasLoad.h"
#include "MainTab.h"
// helper launcher
#include "LaunchHelp.h"
// lang.h
#include "newlang.h"
// message requests
#define wm_ViewRestart (WM_USER + 100)
// test
#define wm_WizRequest1 (WM_USER + 101)
#define wm_WizRequest2 (WM_USER + 102)
#define wm_WizRequest3 (WM_USER + 103)
// char[] dynamiques
#define dynstrcpy(dest,src) { \
if (dest) free(dest);\
dest=(char*) malloc(strlen(src)+1);\
if (dest)\
#define dynclear(dest) { if (dest) { free(dest); dest=NULL; }}
typedef struct t_StatsBuffer {
char nom[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2];
char fichier[HTS_URLMAXSIZE];
char etat[256];
char url_sav[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; // pour cancel
char url_adr[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2];
char url_fil[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2];
LLint size;
LLint sizetot;
int offset;
int back;
int actived; // pour disabled
} t_StatsBuffer;
typedef struct InpInfo {
int ask_refresh;
int refresh;
LLint stat_bytes;
int stat_time;
int lien_n;
int lien_tot;
int stat_nsocket;
int rate;
int irate;
int ft;
LLint stat_written;
int stat_updated;
int stat_errors;
int stat_warnings;
int stat_infos;
TStamp stat_timestart;
int stat_back;
} InpInfo;
/* WinHTTrack mutex */
extern HANDLE WhttMutex;
#define WHTT_LOCK() WaitForSingleObject(WhttMutex,INFINITE)
#define WHTT_UNLOCK() ReleaseMutex(WhttMutex)
/* Location */
extern char* WhttLocation;
#define WHTT_LOCATION(a) WhttLocation=(a)
// fonctions moteur
int __cdecl httrackengine_check(char* adr,char* fil,int status);
int __cdecl httrackengine_check_mime(char* adr,char* fil,char* mime,int status);
void __cdecl httrackengine_init();
void __cdecl httrackengine_uninit();
int __cdecl httrackengine_start(void* dummy);
int __cdecl httrackengine_end();
int __cdecl httrackengine_htmlpreprocess(char** html,int* len,char* url_adresse,char* url_fichier);
int __cdecl httrackengine_htmlpostprocess(char** html,int* len,char* url_adresse,char* url_fichier);
int __cdecl httrackengine_htmlcheck(char* html,int len,char* url_adresse,char* url_fichier);
int __cdecl httrackengine_chopt(void* opt);
int __cdecl httrackengine_loop(void* _back,int back_max,int back_index,int lien_n,int lien_tot,int stat_time,hts_stat_struct* stats);
char* __cdecl httrackengine_query(char* question);
char* __cdecl httrackengine_query2(char* question);
char* __cdecl httrackengine_query3(char* question);
void __cdecl httrackengine_pause(char* lockfile);
// profile
int Save_current_profile(int ask);
int MyGetProfileInt(CString path,CString dummy,CString name,int value);
int MyGetProfileIntFile(FILE* fp,CString dummy,CString name,int value);
int MyWriteProfileString(CString path,CString dummy,CString name,CString value);
int MyWriteProfileStringFile(FILE* fp,CString dummy,CString name,CString value);
CString MyGetProfileStringFile(FILE* fp,CString dummy,CString name,CString value);
CString MyGetProfileString(CString path,CString dummy,CString name,CString value="");
void Write_profile(CString path,int load_path);
void Read_profile(CString path,int load_path);
int MyWriteProfileInt(CString path,CString dummy,CString name,int value);
int MyWriteProfileIntFile(FILE* fp,CString dummy,CString name,int value);
void Build_TopIndex(BOOL check_empty=TRUE);
void InitRAS();
// Gestion rΘpertoires
int CheckDirInfo(CString path);
BOOL RemoveEmptyDir(CString path);
// RAS //
#include "Ras.h"
typedef unsigned long (* t_RasHangUp)(HRASCONN);
// RAS END //
/* lang extensions */
void SetCombo(CWnd* _this,int id,char* lang_string);
// HTTrack params - pour le multithread interface/robot
class HTTrack_Params {
int argc;
char** argv;
int* result;
typedef struct Robot_params {
int argc;
char** argv;
} Robot_params;
// Lancement du miroir
BOOL LaunchMirror();
#define NStatsBuffer 14
/* Class */
class CShellOptions {
CString LINE, url, filelist, proxy, proxyftp, port, depth,
extdepth, get, where, meth, maxfile, max, frag,
conn, tog, cache, robots, choixdeb, build, filtre, htmlfirst,
index, index2, dos, time, rate, hostquit, ka,
user, footer, log, testall, parseall, link, path,
retry, errpage, external, nopurge, hidepwd, hidequery,
cookies, checktype, parsejava, Cache2, logtype, norecatch,
toler, updhack, urlhack, http10, waittime, maxtime, maxrate,
maxconn, maxlinks, hh, mm, ss, buff_filtres, buff_MIME,
CString LINE_back;
/* Class options */
extern CShellOptions* ShellOptions;
// CShellApp:
// See Shell.cpp for the implementation of this class
//class CShellApp : public CWinApp
class CShellApp
void init_lance();
CString end_path;
CString end_path_complete;
int suivant0(void);
int suivant1(void);
int suivant2(void);
//int suivant3(void);
int suivant4(void);
void OptPannel();
//BOOL InitInstance();
// Overrides
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
virtual BOOL InitInstance();
// Implementation
afx_msg void OnAppAbout();
// NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove member functions here.
// DO NOT EDIT what you see in these blocks of generated code !
// Microsoft Developer Studio will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
#endif // !defined(AFX_SHELL_H__ED81E637_E017_11D1_A97E_006097BC6150__INCLUDED_)